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May 21 – Circassian Day of Remembrance

May 21, 2024

Circassians. Brothers and sisters. Today, we have gathered here to commemorate a tragic date—160 years since the end of the Caucasian War. The outcomes of this century-long, exhausting war had catastrophic consequences for the Circassians. The loss of sovereignty, the destruction of the economy, numerous casualties, the distortion of the traditional way of life, and finally, the expulsion of the majority of the population from their historical homeland. Unfortunately, these consequences are still felt today, as we remain a divided, scattered nation, and our language is threatened with gradual extinction.

Our ancestors faced the severe trials brought by fate and history with honor and dignity. They bravely and selflessly defended their freedom. Even when their strength waned, they did not lay their flag at the feet of the enemy; leaving their homeland, they carried it with them as a symbol of an unbroken national spirit and a belief in the inevitable revival of Circassia. Now, this flag is flown above your heads and the heads of hundreds of thousands of your compatriots around the world.

Yes, the Circassians lost much, but they preserved the most important thing—their identity and self-awareness. We know who we are and where we come from, and we remember our heroes and their great deeds.

Modern Circassians must remember the catastrophe that befell them, but not dwell on it, not lament, and not despair. We must look forward and use the memory of this catastrophe as a significant cornerstone in the foundation upon which our future will be built.

Undoubtedly, memory is an important element in the foundation of our revival, but it is not the only one. Today, every concerned Circassian must, as much as possible, direct their material and intellectual capital toward solving the current tasks and overcoming the challenges facing the nation, without which this revival will be extremely difficult.

What are these tasks? First and foremost, in the development of the language, in the preservation and enhancement of the rich cultural and spiritual heritage of the people. An equally important issue is strengthening ties between the diaspora and the Circassians in the historical homeland. Creating conditions for solid, ongoing, and fruitful interaction in various fields, particularly in matters of repatriation, will contribute to ethnic consolidation, which is so important for a divided nation.

At present, the Circassians do not have their own state that could, using powerful governmental resources, initiate, promote, and finance activities aimed at addressing these tasks.

Therefore, as I have already mentioned, private initiative, enthusiasm, and energy from members of our people are needed. We must form a national intellectual, creative, and business elite that will generate ideas for Circassian revival and support various projects and activities accompanying this process.

While addressing global issues, it is also important to pay attention to the urgent needs of compatriots: providing assistance to those in need, paying for medical treatment, education, helping with employment, etc. The key role in this matter should belong to international and regional Circassian public organizations.

A recent and successful example of such initiatives, an example of unity and mutual assistance, was the aid provided to the Circassians of Turkey who were affected by the devastating earthquake.

The national revival of the Circassians should take place in partnership and mutual respect with the peoples with whom we neighbor both in our historical homeland and in the countries where our diaspora resides.

Overcoming the tragedy that has befallen us is a difficult and long process, but as it is known, the road is overcome by the one who walks it.

May 21, 2024
Event Category:


+39 344 499-9384


Piazza dell’Esquilino
Roma RM, Italia