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Offer Agreement for Joining the Association
Circassian Cultural Association in Italy – APS

  1. Subject of the Agreement
    1. This offer constitutes a proposal to join the Circassian Cultural Association in Italy – APS (hereinafter referred to as the “Association”) under the terms set forth in this agreement and the Association’s charter.
  2. Membership Terms
    1. Any individual or legal entity of legal age may apply for membership in the Association, provided they agree with the Association’s charter and rules.
    2. To join the Association, the applicant must:
      • Complete and submit the registration form, providing the necessary information.
      • Pay the membership fee of €150 to the specified bank account of the Association.
      • Provide proof of payment, an identity document, and an address for the delivery of the ID card.
    3. The decision to accept a new member is made by the Association’s Board of Directors based on the submitted application and provided documents.
  3. Rights and Obligations of Members
    1. Members of the Association have the right to:
      • Participate in all events organized by the Association.
      • Exercise voting rights at General Meetings of members.
      • Initiate and participate in discussions and decision-making on issues related to the Association’s activities.
    2. Members of the Association are obligated to:
      • Comply with the Association’s charter, internal rules, and decisions made by the Association’s governing bodies.
      • Regularly pay membership fees.
      • Contribute to achieving the Association’s goals.
  4. Payment Terms
    1. The membership fee is €150 per year and must be paid to the Association’s account:
      • Bank: UniCredit
      • IBAN: IT04M0200874560000107132517
      • BIC/SWIFT: UNCRITM1498
  5. Termination of Membership
    1. Membership in the Association may be terminated for the following reasons:
      • At the member’s own request, expressed in writing.
      • In case of non-compliance with the terms of the charter and this agreement.
      • In case of non-payment of the membership fee for one year.
    2. Upon termination of membership, the paid fees are non-refundable.
  6. Final Provisions
    1. This agreement comes into force upon the acceptance of the offer by the applicant, which is expressed by submitting an application for membership and paying the membership fee.
    2. All disputes and disagreements arising from this agreement shall be resolved through negotiations, and if no agreement is reached, in accordance with the laws of Italy.